Realisation by Pauline Curnier Jardin & Rachel Garcia Music by Matthieu Ferrandez and Jaka Ropret, Thomas Rameaux With Viviana Moin, Eric Abrogoua, Simon Fravéga d’Amore, Mickael Phelippeau, Hélène Iratchet, Thomas Rameaux, Alexis Kavyrchine, Rachel Garcia, Pauline Curnier Jardin
Crèche Vivante (Living Nativity)
a Living Picture – a popular show
Performance, 75 min
2012 – 2014
The visual artist Pauline Curnier Jardin, influenced by the religious iconography that she loves to revisit, joins the costume designer and scenographer, Rachel Garcia on a series of tableaux vivantes that portray the characters from the nativity through a Christmas karaoke.
They will all be present: the virgin-maize-Mary, the melancholic adoptive Father, the holy, polymorphic, hatted child, the inseminating angel, the king preacher, the log.
Photos: Oumeya El Ouadie